Please feel free to listen to my music while you read. Thanks and I hope you enjoy!


HipHop Alive envisions a world where the transformative power of Hiphop culture is fully harnessed to foster integrated development in individuals and communities, bridging cultural, social, and personal divides through an integral approach that respects and integrates diverse perspectives and experiences.

Hiphop alive: Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower individuals, families and communities through a Hiphop-centered human service program that utilizes Western and Eastern ancient and modern philosophies. We aim to facilitate comprehensive development across social, cultural, behavioral, psychological, and spiritual dimensions, promoting well-being, creativity, and effective community engagement.

HipHop Alive: goals

1. Cultural Integration: To use Hiphop as a tool to celebrate and integrate diverse cultural identities, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation among participants.

2. Social Development: To enhance social skills and community engagement through collaborative Hiphop projects that encourage teamwork, communication, and mutual respect.

3. Behavioral Growth: To promote positive behavioral changes by providing a creative outlet for expression and a platform for addressing personal and community issues through Hiphop.

4. Psychological Support: To support mental health by using Hiphop as a therapeutic tool, helping participants to express themselves and process their experiences in a supportive environment.

5. Spiritual Exploration: To explore spiritual dimensions within Hiphop culture, encouraging participants to connect with deeper aspects of self, community and nature through the 4 elements and reflection.

Interventions of HipHop Alive

1. Workshops and Seminars: Implementing workshops that teach the elements of hip-hop (MCing, DJing, breakdancing, graffiti) integrated with discussions on personal development, cultural history, and social responsibility.

2. Therapeutic Hiphop Sessions: Facilitating group and individual sessions where participants create and share their own content, guided by trained therapists who help them use the medium to explore and address personal challenges.

3. Community Hip-Hop Events: Organizing community events and performances that showcase the talents and progress of participants, fostering community bonds and wider cultural appreciation.

4. Integral Life Practice Groups: Small group sessions that focus on applying meta theory to personal life challenges, using Hiphop as a medium to explore and integrate various aspects of life and personal growth.

5. Mentorship Programs: Pairing young participants with experienced practitioners in the fields of Hiphop, psychology, and social work, providing role models and guidance for personal and professional development.

6. Research and Development: Continuously researching the relationship between behavioral health, science, technology, spirituality, psychology and Hiphop and developing interventions based on findings to enhance effectiveness.

7. Publications: Writing to share our findings with the world with the aim of improving the quality of inner and outer life for all beings.